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Podsumowanie: Wczesny hinduizm

Pojęcia kluczowe

Vedascollections of religious poems, hymns, prayers, and rituals that were transmitted orally for hundreds of years and were compiled and recorded in Sanskrit around 600 BCE
Upanishadsreligious texts composed between 800 BCE and 400 BCE which explored mystical and philosophical topics
Brahmanin Hinduism, belief in the World Soul, which is the ultimate reality
Atmanbelief about the individual immortal essence or soul, which is believed to be part of Brahman
Mokshabelief about liberation, or final reunion with Brahman
Samsarabelief in the cycle of rebirth and reincarnation
Dharmafor Hindus, Dharma is behavior that is in accordance with the eternal law of the universe; it is also sometimes known as "Dhamma" and is a central concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism
Varnasa Vedic social hierarchy in which people are born into one of four classes: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra; this forms the basis of the caste system, which still influences social structures in south Asia
The caste systema system in which members of society are born into defined social classes. According to Hindu beliefs, a person's position in the caste system is a reflection of one's actions in past lives

Kluczowe daty

1500—500 BCEthe Vedic Period; the Vedas are one of the only sources of historical information about this time
c.1500 BCEmass migrations of pastoralist Indo-European peoples into northwest India
c.1000 BCEbeginning of Indo-European migrations east into the Ganges Plain

Pojęcia kluczowe

Culture: Religious beliefs sometimes spread as people migrated. The Vedic religion developed during the Vedic Period, with no single founder. It evolved into Hinduism, which developed and spread through south Asia. Hinduism is a rich religion with multiple scriptures, deities, rituals, and traditions, and it is integral to the cultural and social fabric of south Asia.
Social structure: Religions have historically affected social structures, sometimes challenging and sometimes supporting existing social hierarchies. The Vedic varnas, which are a part of Hindu belief systems, created distinct social classes.

Pytania kontrolne

  • In what context did Hindu beliefs develop? What is one way that the development of Hinduism differed from the development of Christianity and Buddhism?
  • To what extent can Hinduism be understood as a single tradition? What are some core beliefs of Hinduism?
  • In what ways did Hindu beliefs about varna affect social structures?

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