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Wyciąganie wniosków z testu dotyczącego proporcji


Antonia read an article that said 26% of Americans can speak more than one language. She was curious if this figure was higher in her city, so she tested H0:p=0.26 vs. Ha:p>0.26, where p represents the proportion of people in her city that can speak more than one language.
Antonia took a sample of 120 people in her city found that 35% of those sampled could speak more than one language. The test statistic for these results was z2.25, and the corresponding P-value was approximately 0.01. Assume that the conditions for inference were met.
Is there sufficient evidence at the α=0.05 level to conclude that the proportion of people in her city that can speak more than one language is greater than 26%?
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