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Główna zawartość

Część 30: Różnorodność biologiczna i ochrona środowiska naturalnego

O tym dziale

Ten rozdział jest częścią ogólnego wykładu biologii. Przeglądaj filmy, artykuły i ćwiczenia na interesujący Cię temat.

Discover why a high diversity of species sustains ecosystems, which in turn provide important services to humans. This content is provided by the California Academy of Sciences.
Explore how life is found almost everywhere on Earth, but is not distributed evenly. And learn why the clumped distributions of species are the result of a wide variety of both natural and human-driven factors. This content is provided by the California Academy of Sciences.
Examine the local and global threats to biodiversity that are caused by human activities. Many of the negative impacts start as regional, but easily add up to affect the entire planet. This content is provided by the California Academy of Sciences.
Learn how to recognize the genetic, ecosystem, and evolutionary levels of biodiversity. Along with species richness, these levels play crucial roles in conservation. Content provided by the California Academy of Sciences.

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