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Autodysocjacja wody i Kw

Autojonizacja wody, stała autodysocjacji Kw i związek między [H⁺] i [OH⁻] w wodnych roztworach.  Tłumaczenie na język polski: fundacja Edukacja dla Przyszłości, dzięki wsparciu wolontariuszy.

Kluczowe informacje

  • Woda może ulec autodysocjacji, tworząc jony H3O+ i OH.
  • W stanie równowagi stała autojodysocjacji wody, Kw, wynosi 1014 w 25C.
  • W obojętnym roztworze [H3O+]=[OH]
  • W kwasowym roztworze [H3O+]>[OH]
  • W zasadowym roztworze [OH]>[H3O+]
  • Dla wodnych roztworów w 25C, zawsze prawdziwe jest, że:
  • Z istotnym wkładem autodysocjacji wody do [H3O+] oraz [OH] mamy do czynienia w przypadku bardzo słabych roztworów kwasów i zasad.

Woda jest amfoteryczna

Woda jest jednym z powszechnych rozpuszczalników dla reakcji kwasów z zasadami. W poprzednim artykule o zasadach i kwasach Brønsteda-Lowry'ego omówiliśmy amfoteryczność wody i to, że może reagować zarówno jako kwas, jak i zasada Brønsteda-Lowry'ego.

Zadanie 1: Określanie roli wody w reakcji

W poniższych reakcjach ustal, czy woda reaguje, jako kwas, zasada czy żadne z dwóch.

Autodysocjacja wody

Since acids and bases react with each other, this implies that water can react with itself! While that might sound strange, it does happenwater molecules exchange protons with one another to a very small extent. We call this process the autoionization, or self-ionization, of water.
Wymianę protonów można zapisać w postaci zbilansowanego równania:
space filling models to show two water molecules, where each water molecule is represented as a large red sphere (oxygen) stuck to two small grey sphere (hydrogen). The products are hydronium ion, which has 3 hydrogens and a positive charge, and hydroxide, which has one hydrogen and a negative charge.
One water molecule donates a proton (orange sphere) to a neighboring water molecule, which acts as a Bronsted-Lowry base by accepting that proton. The products of the reversible acid-base reaction are hydronium and hydroxide.
One water molecule is donating a proton and acting as a Bronsted-Lowry acid, while another water molecule accepts the proton, acting as a Bronsted-Lowry base. This results in the formation of hydronium and hydroxide ions in a 1:1 molar ratio. For any sample of pure water, the molar concentrations of hydronium, H3O+, and hydroxide, OH, must be equal:
[H3O+]=[OH]  w czystej wodzie
Note that this process is readily reversible. Because water is a weak acid and a weak base, the hydronium and hydroxide ions exist in very, very small concentrations relative to that of non-ionized water. Just how small are these concentrations? Let's find out by examining the equilibrium constant for this reaction (also called the autoionization constant), which has the special symbol Kw.

The autoionization constant, Kw

The expression for the autoionization constant is
Kw=[H3O+][OH](Eq. 1)
Remember that when writing equilibrium expressions, the concentrations of solids and liquids are not included. Therefore, our expression for Kw does not include the concentration of water, which is a pure liquid.
We can calculate the value of Kw at 25C using [H3O+], which is related to the pH of water. At 25C, the pH of pure water is 7. Therefore, we can calculate the concentration of hydronium ions in pure water:
[H3O+]=10pH=107 M  at 25C
In the last section, we saw that hydronium and hydroxide form in a 1:1 molar ratio during the autoionization of pure water. We can use that relationship to calculate the concentration of hydroxide in pure water at 25C:
[OH]=[H3O+]=107 M  at 25C
This is a little tough to visualize, but 107 is an extremely small number! Within a sample of water, only a small fraction of the water molecules will be in the ionized form.
Now that we know [OH] and [H3O+], we can use these values in our equilibrium expression to calculate Kw at 25C:
Kw=(107)×(107)=1014  at 25C
Concept check: How many hydroxide and hydronium ions are in one liter of water at 25C?

Relationship between the autoionization constant, pH, and pOH

The fact that Kw is equal to 1014 at 25C leads to an interesting and useful new equation. If we take the negative logarithm of both sides of Eq. 1 in the previous section, we get the following:
We can abbreviate logKw as pKw, which is equal to 14 at 25C:
pKw=pH+pOH=14  at 25C(Eq. 2)
Therefore, the sum of pH and pOH will always be 14 for any aqueous solution at 25C. Keep in mind that this relationship will not hold true at other temperatures, because Kw is temperature dependent!

Example 1: Calculating [OH] from pH

An aqueous solution has a pH of 10 at 25C.
What is the concentration of hydroxide ions in the solution?

Method 1: Using Eq. 1

One way to solve this problem is to first find [H+] from the pH:
We can then calculate [OH] using Eq. 1:
Kw=[H3O+][OH]   Rearrange to solve for [OH][OH]=Kw[H3O+]Plug in values for Kwand [H3O+]=10141010=104 M

Method 2: Using Eq. 2

Another way to calculate [OH] is to calculate it from the pOH of the solution. We can use Eq. 2 to calculate the pOH of our solution from the pH. Rearranging Eq. 2 and solving for the pOH, we get:
We can now use the equation for pOH to solve for [OH].
[OH]=10pOH=104 M
Using either method of solving the problem, the hydroxide concentration is 104 M for an aqueous solution with a pH of 10 at 25C.

Definitions of acidic, basic, and neutral solutions

We have seen that the concentrations of H3O+ and OH are equal in pure water, and both have a value of 107 M at 25C. When the concentrations of hydronium and hydroxide are equal, we say that the solution is neutral. Aqueous solutions can also be acidic or basic depending on the relative concentrations of H3O+ and OH.
  • W roztworze neutralnym, [H3O+]=[OH]
  • W roztworze kwasowym, [H3O+]>[OH]
  • W roztworze zasadowym, [OH]>[H3O+]

Practice 2: Calculating pH of water at 0C

If the pKw of a sample of pure water at 0C is 14.9, what is the pH of pure water at this temperature?
Wybierz 1 odpowiedź:

Practice 3: Calculating pKw at 40C

The pH of pure water at 40C is measured to be 6.75.
Based on this information, what is the pKw of water at 40C?
Wybierz 1 odpowiedź:

Autoionization and Le Chatelier's principle

We also know that in pure water, the concentrations of hydroxide and hydronium are equal. Most of the time, however, we are interested in studying aqueous solutions containing other acids and bases. In that case, what happens to [H3O+] and [OH]?
The moment we dissolve other acids or bases in water, we change [H3O+] and/or [OH] such that the product of the concentrations is no longer is equal to Kw. That means the reaction is no longer at equilibrium. In response, Le Chatelier's principle tells us that the reaction will shift to counteract the change in concentration and establish a new equilibrium.
For example, what if we add an acid to pure water? While pure water at 25C has a hydronium ion concentration of 107M, the added acid increases the concentration of H3O+. In order to get back to equilibrium, the reaction will favor the reverse reaction to use up some of the extra H3O+. This causes the concentration of OH to decrease until the product of [H3O+] and [OH] is once again equal to 1014.
Once the reaction reaches its new equilibrium state, we know that:
  • [H+]>[OH] because the added acid increased [H+]. Thus, our solution is acidic!
  • [OH]<107M because favoring the reverse reaction decreased [OH] to get back to equilibrium.
The important thing to remember is that any aqueous acid-base reaction can be described as shifting the equilibrium concentrations for the autoionization of water. This is really useful, because that means we can apply Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 to all aqueous acid-base reactions, not just pure water!

Autoionization matters for very dilute acid and base solutions

The autoionization of water is usually introduced when first learning about acids and bases, and it is used to derive some extremely useful equations that we've discussed in this article. However, we will often calculate [H+] and pH for aqueous solutions without including the contribution from the autoionization of water. The reason we can do this is because autoionization usually contributes relatively few ions to the overall [H+] or [OH] compared to the ions from additional acid or base.
The only situation when we need to remember the autoionization of water is when the concentration of our acid or base is extremely dilute. In practice, this means that we need to include the contribution from autoionization when the concentration of H+ or OH is within ~2 orders of magnitude (or less than) of 107M. We will now go through an example of how to calculate the pH of a very dilute acid solution.

Example 2: Calculating the pH of a very dilute acid solution

Let's calculate the pH of a 6.3×108M HCl solution. HCl completely dissociates in water, so the concentration of hydronium ions in solution due to HCl is also 6.3×108M.

Try 1: Ignoring the autoionization of water

If we ignore the autoionization of water and simply use the formula for pH, we get:
Easy! We have an aqueous acid solution with a pH that is greater than 7. But, wait, wouldn't that make it a basic solution? That can't be right!

Try 2: Including the contribution from autoionization to [H+]

Since the concentration of this solution is extremely dilute, the concentration of the hydronium from the hydrochloric acid is close to the [H+] contribution from the autoionization of water. That means:
  • We have to include the contribution from autoionization to [H+]
  • Since the autoionization of water is an equilibrium reaction, we must solve for the overall [H+] using the expression for Kw:
If we say that x is the contribution of autoionization to the equilibrium concentration of H+ and OH, the concentrations at equilibrium will be as follows:
Plugging these concentrations into our equilibrium expression, we get:
Rearranging this expression so that everything is equal to 0 gives the following quadratic equation:
We can solve for x using the quadratic formula, which gives the following solutions:
Since the concentration of OH can't be negative, we can eliminate the second solution. If we plug in the first value of x to get the equilibrium concentration of H+ and calculate pH, we get:
Thus we can see that once we include the autoionization of water, our very dilute HCl solution has a pH that is weakly acidic. Whew!


  • Water can undergo autoionization to form H3O+ and OH ions.
  • W stanie równowagi stała autojodysocjacji wody, Kw, wynosi 1014 w 25C.
  • W roztworze neutralnym, [H3O+]=[OH]
  • W roztworze kwasowym, [H3O+]>[OH]
  • W roztworze zasadowym, [OH]>[H3O+]
  • Dla wodnych roztworów w 25C, zawsze prawdziwe jest, że:
  • Z istotnym wkładem autodysocjacji wody do [H3O+] oraz [OH] mamy do czynienia w przypadku bardzo słabych roztworów kwasów i zasad.

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