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Część 1: Podstawy biologii

Do zdobycia jest 500 punktów za mistrzostwo

O tym dziale

Wstęp do biologii oraz przypomnienie niektórych wiadomości z chemii pomoże ci zrozumieć piękno życia!

How do biologists study the world around them? Learn about the scientific method, experiments, and other tools scientists use to test their ideas and make discoveries.
There's an old saying, "You are what you eat." In some senses, this is literally true! When we eat food, we take in the large biological molecules found in the food, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (such as fats), and nucleic acids (such as DNA), and use them to power our cells and build our bodies. Review the different types of macromolecules and what they are made up of.


Where would we be without water? Well, we probably wouldn't exist at all! Review the properties of water including its hydrogen bonding, and learn why it's a key ingredient for biological systems of all sizes.


  • Woda i życieRozwiąż co najmniej 3 z 4 pytań, aby przejść na następny poziom!
Review the acid-base chemistry that takes place in water (and in your own body)!


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