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Część 7: alkohole, etery, epoksydy, siarczki

O tym dziale

Alcohol and thiol groups are important functional groups for applications ranging from enzyme reactions to making flexible contact lenses. We will be reviewing naming oxygen and sulfur containing compounds. Then we will be ready to learn about some reactions that involve alcohols, ethers, epoxides, thiols, and sulfides as both reactants and products.

It can clean a wound or kill your liver. Some religions ban it, others use it in their sacred rites. In this tutorial, Sal and Jay name molecules containing alcohol groups and discuss their properties.
W tym samouczku Jay przypisuje stopnie utlenienia alkoholom, pokazuje mechanizm utlenienia odczynnikiem Jonesa, pokazuje powstawanie estrów nitrowych z alkoholi oraz demonstruje jak zrobić halogenki alkilowe z alkoholi. Omawiane są także biochemiczne reakcje redoks.