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Główna zawartość

The Case For Andy Warhol

This is a case for Andy Warhol. You've heard his name. You've seen the Campbell's Soup cans. You might know something about The Factory. But perhaps you've wondered why Andy Warhol gets so much attention or why his work even matters. What's the deal with Warhol, and is he worth your time and consideration? Here's your answer. Stay tuned for cases for other artists, living and dead! Next up: Mark Rothko. Learn more about Warhol and his work: http://www.warhola.com/ http://www.warhol.org/ http://www.warholfoundation.org/ -- Follow us elsewhere for the full Art Assignment experience: Tumblr: http://theartassignment.com Response Tumblr: http://all.theartassignment.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/artassignment Instagram: http://instagram.com/theartassignment/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theartassignment and don't forget Reddit!: http://www.reddit.com/r/TheArtAssignment. Stworzone przez: Beth Harris i Steven Zucker.

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