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On-grade support and Eureka Math / EngageNY

An explanation of how to use our curated resources for Eureka Math / EngageNY in 3-8 grade math classrooms. 
Khan Academy has partnered with the Louisiana Department of Education to align our content to the Eureka Math/EngageNY math curriculum. This is is the most popular math curriculum used in the United States according to a recent RAND Corporation study.
To access our aligned resources, go to the Courses dropdown menu in the top left corner of your screen and find them listed under Math by grade.

On-grade support

To help your students practice essential skills throughout your course, we’ve created on-grade support for third grade math to precalculus.
For example, the picture below shows a student’s progress through Topic A: Unknown angles from Module Six on geometry within the sixth grade math curriculum.
When students watch videos or read articles, their icon changes to add a blue line and check mark. When students complete exercises, their icon may change, depending on performance. Students can easily track their performance based on mastery level, such as mastered (100/100 mastery points) on the Name angles exercise and familiar (50/100 mastery points) on the Complementary and supplementary angles (visual) exercise.
We encourage you to consider using on-grade support throughout the school year as a practice and learning resource with students.
You can assign on-grade support the same way as all other resources. Learn more about assignments here.

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