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Krążek liniowy

UWAGA: Niektóre z filmów w tej sekcji są bez dźwięku, by umożliwić oglądającemu dokonywania własnych obserwacji i udzielania odpowiedzi na pytania zamieszczone poniżej.
Filmy wideo na Khan Academy
Ten film jest bez dźwięku
1. Does this pulley arrangement give you a mechanical advantage?
2. If it does not give you a mechanical advantage why would you use it?
Filmy wideo na Khan Academy
Ten film jest bez dźwięku
1. Why were two fixed pulleys used at the top of the crane?
2. How far does the gondola on the right move compared to the one on the left?
3. Which gondola has the mechanical advantage?
Filmy wideo na Khan Academy
Ten film jest bez dźwięku
1. Why were two pulleys used on top of the gondola on the right?
2. How far does the gondola on the left move compared to the one on the right?
3. Which gondola has the mechanical advantage?
Filmy wideo na Khan Academy
Filmy wideo na Khan Academy
1. How would you fix load tilt in the first part of the video?
2. What is your mechanical advantage in the pulley system shown at the end of the video?  (Hint: look at the movable pulley in the center of the load)

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Na razie brak głosów w dyskusji
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