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Znajdowanie prawidłowości w zbiorach danych


A mood tracking app decides to help users understand their mood changes better by also tracking the hours they spend on other applications.
This chart visualizes the results for a video watching app, using a scatter plot to compare each user's hours spent in the app to their mood after exiting the app:
A scatter plot with hours on the x axis and mood on the y axis. The x axis goes from 0 to 4 and the y axis goes from 0 to 10. Both purple and green dots are scattered on the plot. The purple dots start in the upper left corner (e.g. [0.2, 9]) and generally slope down towards the bottom right corner (e.g. [3.5, 2]). The green dots are scattered on the plot for all the the x axis values between the mood values of 6 and 8, seemingly randomly.
Users rate their mood from 1-10, where 1 is least happy and 10 is most happy. The green dots represent users that reported using the app primarily for educational videos, and the purple dots represent users that reported using it primarily for amusing videos.
Which hypothesis is most consistent with the chart?
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