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Główna zawartość

Przewodnik do przygotowań do SAT dla rodziców

Parents, we're excited that you're helping your child find the best practice available for the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT®.
With Official SAT Practice, students get a 100% free, personalized practice program for the SAT through an exclusive partnership between Khan Academy and the College Board, the makers of the SAT.
By making world-class SAT preparation available to anyone, anywhere, we hope to level the playing field so that every student has equal opportunity for college readiness!

Practice that works

Uczniowie, którzy przygotowują się do testu SAT korzystając ze specjalnie przygotowanych materiałów na platformie Khan Academy mają wyraźnie lepsze wyniki testu od pozostałych.
Studying for 6-8 hours with Official SAT Practice is associated with an average 90-point score gain from the PSAT/NMSQT® to the SAT.

Personalized to your child

With Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy, your child will:
  • get a personalized plan tailored to their strengths and weaknesses based on their previous PSAT/NMSQT® or SAT results or our diagnostics;
  • hone their skills with thousands of practice questions, hints, and video lessons;
  • take up to eight official full-length practice tests online or on paper;
  • receive instant feedback and adaptive recommendations for what to practice;
  • set a personalized practice schedule to get reminders for when to practice; and
  • review expert tips and strategies for the test.
Check out our overview of Official SAT Practice video to get a sense of the student experience.

Your child's practice schedule

When your child signs up for Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy, we'll prompt them to create a regular weekly practice schedule that works for them.
Our research has shown that students who study daily (e.g. 5 days a week) for short periods of time (15-30 minutes) are able to build a more successful habit of practicing for the SAT.
Encourage your child to create a practice schedule that works for them and then stick to it.

Oficjalny dzień ćwiczeń do SAT

The Saturday two weeks before your child's SAT is Official SAT Practice Test Day.
On this day, students set aside time to take a full practice test in the morning to simulate what their real test day will be like. Encourage your child to set aside this time and take a full practice test.

How can I track my child’s progress on Official SAT Practice?

We do not have a specialized way for parents to track their child's progress on Official SAT Practice.
You can ask your child to log into their account and show you their progress directly.
You can also view your child's progress by using the tools we make available to teachers. To do so, visit your Coach dashboard, create an SAT class, and add your child. By looking at the "SAT" tab for that class, you can then follow along with their practice and access related helpful content in the same way a teacher can.
For more information on how to create an SAT class, check out our overview on the new coach resources for Official SAT Practice.

Additional questions

If you have additional questions, check out our Official SAT Practice coach tools FAQ.

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